Fast Growing North Texas City

Howe, Texas

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Monte Walker, Chief Operating Officer

Howe Economic Development Corporation

Howe EDC

The Howe EDC a Type B funded in part by a voter-approved one-half-cent dedicated sales tax. The Howe EDC has recognized the need to attract business and industry and actively promotes the area to new and expanding businesses.

The Howe EDC also acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters concerning tax abatement, financial incentives, and all economic development projects. The Howe EDC has taken on an aggressive role in meeting the explosive demands for increased retail and service activities by working collaboratively with the private sector and the City of Howe to develop high-quality, sustainable commercial development.

The Howe EDC provides long-range guidance and encouragement to existing and expanding businesses which have been the strength of Howe for many years. Looked upon as the marketing arm of the city, the Howe EDC is ready and eager to assist businesses and industries in finding space for relocating and expanding in this area which is ripe for development.


Howe, Texas seeks sustainable growth that protects our natural and historic resources while preserving our values, qualities, and culture.


The Howe EDC promotes economic strength for the City of Howe by expanding and diversifying the local tax base through business development and community partnerships, meanwhile enhancing the sense of community and preserving the integrity of our heritage.